- 300g Butter
- 2 eggs
- 5 cups flour 1
- 1 cup of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- First we will take a bowl and we beat the butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Then we have to revove this.
- After this we have to add the flour and continue mixing untill we have a thick mass.
- Once we have our mass, we put flour in a flat and with a role we extend the mass and we give the desired width.
- Then you have to take some molders, and we cut the mass with the molder, and we put them on a tray.
- Then we introduce them in the oven at 180º during 15-20 minutes.
- Then we can decore the biscuits with sugar, chocolate...
Ingredients (For 4 people):
- 1k of spaghetti
- 1 package of frankfurts
- Fried tomato
- Butter
- We cut the sausage in pieces and we cross every piece with 3 or 4 spaghetti.
- we put the spaguettis with the sausages to boil, with salt, during 10 minutes.
- Once cooken we can put grated cheese, bacon or some sauce.